The ZChurk word building game is now KaBauble! Updated with a new puzzle daily, this word game from Wise Old Duck Games requires Flash Player 8 and Javascript.
Move the pieces, find the words, and get points! What a great way to spend a weekend.
How to play :
1) Arrange the pieces as advantageously as you can devise.
- Drag and drop the pieces from the right
- All yellow circles must be covered
- All pieces must be adjacent
2) Find words in them!
- Words can be formed by any number of letters connected in any direction
Bonuses : 2x word, 3x word, 2x letter, 3x letter.
Word length : 25 points for 6 letters, 50 points for 7 letters, +25 for each additional letter...
Special Pieces: Orange pieces can rotate...click them and then use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys. Purple pieces have blanks - click them and then press a letter key to fill it in with whatever you want. Registered members can save and load games to try different approaches, and chat by pressing the speech-cloud button.
It's a whole lot of fun and worth configuring your browser with Javascript and the Flash player. However, if this is absolutely not a possibility for you, Wise Old Duck recommends these other two excellent sites: